
Declaring Functions

Functions are defined using the fn keyword.

fn add x y as int, int -> int =
  x + y

     A function which takes two parameters, x and y of type int, then adds them together to return a single int

The type annotation is optional.

fn add x y = x + y

Although remember that type annotations often help as a form of documentation.

Calling Functions

White-space is used to separate the arguments to a function

fn main =
  add 1 2

Parenthesis can also be used to 'group' expressions.

fn main =
  std:io:println (add (add 1 2) (add 3 4))

     A function adding numbers then printing them to the terminal

Pattern Parameters

The parameters in a function declaration may be any infallible pattern, not just plain identifiers.

fn add_pairs xy ab as (int, int), (int, int) -> (int, int) =

// can instead be written as

fn add_pairs (x, y) (a, b) as (int, int), (int, int) -> (int, int) =
  (x + a, y + b)

fn main =
  std:io:println (add_pairs (1, 2) (3, 4))

     A function with two tuple parameters being pattern matched in the function declaration

Read more about patterns in the Pattern Matching & Conditionals chapter


A function may also be defined inside another function, of which it'll have access to its parent function's parameters.

fn main =
  std:io:println (add 5 6)
  fn add x y = x + y

     A function declared inside another function as a where-binding


New operators can also be defined similarly to functions.

fn +++ left right as int, int -> int =
  left + right + right + right